Food truck

Food Truck: Book your happiness on wheels for the next event

Food is the way to unite everyone.

If you are going to host a big event, or even a family gathering, you want everyone to have the best food and spend the money wisely. Considering today’s trend and what is gaining the attention of the foodies is “Food Truck.” The food served by one of the best Food Truck Point Cook is served with a thought that everyone indulging in the meal enjoys it to the core.

Planning for an event does not mean that you have to break your bank. When you take down the latest trend of food on wheels, you should consider a few basic things so that nothing comes out as a fuss to you at the end. Keeping all that aside, one thing is sure that the Catering in Point Cook service guarantees just the best food at your place, which you won’t have even thought about. Here are some of the tips you should consider while booking a food truck for your event.

How to book the food truck for your event?

Food truck: Choose above the ordinary service. Here are few things which you have to be considerate about:

Tip 1: Discuss the cost and set the budget

When you choose to book a food truck, you need to emphasize the price structure. The food truck catering service can start from $15 per guest. So, like for around 100 guests, the cost can range anywhere b/w $800 to $1300.

It would be best if you talked to the food truck owner about the same in the first place and even considered what food options you would like to add to the food menu. Make sure to stick to the budget so that all things are manageable.

Tip 2: Consider the location

Metro area’s cost of living is higher, including getting the permit. When you choose a food truck, you have to consider the location in every sense. You should initially ask the food truck owner whether they are going to travel to your site.

Tip 3: Food menu

You know who all are included in your guest list and what kind of food they like the most. So, make sure that you accordingly get the food menu set. Talk to the food owner about the same in the first place like:

  • How many food options do you want?
  • What is the variety of desserts?
  • What’s the price range?

Talking about all such things is essential to ensure that you have all the best food options served at your event, and they are just the best of everything.

Tip 4: meeting up the food truck regulations

You have to meet the food truck regulations to make your event a success. Some areas restrict the food truck to operate in a particular place & there’s even regulation to let them run in the commercial vs. non-commercial areas. So, it’s better to get the special permit requirement beforehand to get things done the right way.

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    Food truck

    3 Major Reasons You Should Book A Food Truck For Catering Service

    Organizing an event is not an easy task; there are so many points one must look at before finalizing everything. But in a hurry, there are a few things that one might definitely miss.

    Today, we are hoping to sort out one part of organizing a small or big event- the arrangement of food. Yes! It is one of the essential factors which makes or breaks your party. Your guest might not forget everything, but if you provide them good food, they are sure going to leave behind all other things that were not so perfect.

    It is also a factor that people often neglect until the last moment and then later regret it. Not this time, though. We will give an idea that could help you take your function to the next level.

    For your next party, you can book a Food Truck Point Cook. Yes! You read it right, food truck for your function. It is the perfect option as it not only serves delicious food items but also makes you stay within your budget.

    Given below are some of the other reasons why one must choose a food truck for Catering in Point Cook.

    Why Should You Book Food Truck For Your Next Event?

    • Food trucks are convent and cater anywhere.

    This is one of the most significant reasons the food truck has gained popularity for catering to small and important events in the locality. They are a compact or also known as the mobile kitchen, which makes it more accessible for them to open their truck anywhere. This is why most people with limited space choose a food truck for catering. The food truck is best to move from one place to another, which is another reason for it being a people’s favorite

    • Food trucks provide everything for anyone

    A second important aspect is that food trucks fulfill the need of each people. You would not be able to cater for every group of age if you book a chef, as they have limited menu options. Whereas in a food truck, you get a lot more options. Nobody will be left with an empty stomach, from younger children to older people. They have various options to choose from, which could easily satisfy everyone. Rent a food truck for any event. Is it a birthday party, wedding function, reception, or a fair? You would be provided with each option, from Mexican cuisine to ice cream concoction. And if you want to big with a hearty burger, do not worry. You would be getting a big American burger to quench your hunger. 

    • Food trucks are affordable.

    If you do not want to invest a lot of money by hiring prominent chefs for your special occasion, do not worry. A food truck will give the exact same quality but at a reasonable price. Apart from that, they would also look more fun.

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      Food truck

      Which equipment do you require before commencing with the food truck business?

      In our today’s blog, we are going to discuss which equipment you should plan before commencing your business of running a successful food truck in Point Cook.

      Why is the food truck business emerging so successful these days?

      It is because of the fondness of the people concerning food trucks in Melbourne that is responsible for making the people think that starting up with the food truck business will make them earn huge profits.

      Storage areas

      Thinking to run a food truck means the challenges to store the large quality of the material in the limited spaces. Besides that, the locking system of the cabinets is required to be super strong since a truck has to go through smooth and harsh ways and any kind of sudden shock will make the cabinets open up.

      Proper refrigeration, frilling and heating system

      No matter whether you are running your food space in a stationary space or the food truck, the cooking requirements are not going to change. Three things are customary to be there in every restaurant:

      • Commercial ovens
      • Proper grilling system
      • Ventilation system
      • And the electrical outlets

      Service window

      There is no point in making the food truck enclosed in the four walls of metal. There should be a service window installed in it which would help the chefs to entertain the orders immediately and the customers will have the privilege to see how the food which they are going to eat is being cooked.


      To make sure that the rainy season does not contribute to making the inside of the truck worse, you need to install a canopy along with the service window.

      Health and safety measures

      Since the food truck has to carry out the cooking activities with the help of the fire, there is a risk of some fire accident happening. In that condition, the owners must ensure that all the safety equipment like the extinguishers are priorly installed.

      Do meat mechanics have all these?

      We at meat mechanics have focused on installing each bit of the necessary thing from Day 1. We want neither us nor our customers to face any problem while ordering food from us. As far as the safety measures are concerned, it has and will be the priority for us. We always focus on careful and safe cooking since accidents do serve notice before happening.

      Final Comments!

      We have especially published this blog for those who are just starting their business as a food truck. We want that each food truck present in the corners of the world emerges to be a high earning business since it will be a matter of pride to us. We have been in this service for so many years. We do have better knowledge of these things. So if any of the start-up aspirants want to ask us some questions. Then go ahead and ask.

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        Food truck

        Which factors influence the food trucks? Do these remain the same forever?

        In today’s blog post, we are going to know about various factors that influence the operation of the food trucks in Point Cook.

        Did you know?

        Food Truck Catering In Melbourne is so successful since it has taken all the subsequent factors in account:

        • EFF (Environment-Friendly Food)

        No matter whether the people are ordering from the restaurant or want to have the food from the food trucks, it is always a requirement of each one of us to have Environmental Friendly Food. People expect that from the food trucks, they will get healthy and organic food options. No doubt, the taste element never gets missed in these trucks.

        • Vegan Options

        Nowadays many people are giving up non-veg items and they are switching to vegan options. Since the food truck industry encounters lakhs and even crores of foodies in a day, then it becomes important to cater to the taste and health requirements of each food item.

        Gone are the times when people did not consider a burger a burger until and unless it included some of the meat-based patties. Today, the veg patty is made by taking the following into account:

        • Chickpeas
        • Mushrooms
        • Beans
        • Getting shown in the public events

        You might have observed food trucks in some of the carnivals or at the concert. The food trucks usually work in partnerships. So the trucks providing the best food options are hired by the public event organizers.


        Nevertheless, food trucks have great foodie fans associated with them and many people like to visit public events like carnivals and fairs. So both of them benefit from each other’s fans or the traffic.

        • Collab with the commercial restaurants

        The commercial restaurants that are not experiencing giant profits are the ones who love to work in partnership with these food trucks. These partnerships emerge highly beneficial for both the parties since:

        • The need for funding gets eliminated itself
        • Both the parties will earn a great number of profits
        • Expansion of the customer base via social platforms

        Since the food trucks can only earn great profits if people keep on visiting them and recommending them to others. But to reach the maximum audience demands something different. You need to be socially active. It means, you have to create accounts and pages on social media platforms, where a large number of the foodies are viable. You can tempt them to at least try what you have at your truck to offer to their taste buds.

        Final Comments!

        Other than these influencing factors, there are so many others that help the food trucks to progress by leaps and bounds. The influencing factors are not always the same. With the changes in the customer specifications and the tastes, these also keep on changing. Of course, the predominant aim of the food truck is to satisfy the taste buds of the people. So acting upon the preferences of the customers is the key to run into higher profits.

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          Food truck

          How Has It Been Possible For Food Trucks To Explore The Booming Popularity?

          All among us want to know what is so special about the Food Trucks in Point Cook that people like them a lot. There are endless reasons to love them. Do you want to know some of them?

          Come With Me!

          Did you know?

          In the last 5 years, people have started gaining interest in getting done with the food truck catering in Melbourne. The trucks have especially influenced weddings. Nowadays, no wedding is considered cool and happening until the food truck is not there to serve the food.

          Reasons – For The Immense Popularity Of Food Trucks

          Food Is Amazing

          This is the primary reason for the consistent increment in the number of foodie fans. Different food trucks specialise in distinctive cuisines. But believe me, no matter which cuisine they are offering, they are sure to serve you with awesome taste.

          All The Places Can Experience The Joy Of Taste

          If we talk about mobile restaurants, then these remain stationed at one place and so the people have to travel a long way to taste the food. But nothing such happens with the food trucks. These go to their foodie-fans, rather than letting them bother to come.

          Modern In Each Aspect

          If the restaurant-style is modern, then how can we expect the food to be conventional? The food trucks always aim at bringing the new concepts of food which delight the taste buds in the most savoury way.

          Close Interaction With The Chefs

          When we like food served, then we want to thank the chefs for that and want to discuss the recipe. This is not possible with the sitting providing restaurants. But the food trucks provide you with the opportunity to interact with the chefs and also see them when they are cooking food.

          Cheap Yet Gourmet

          Not each restaurant offers you gourmet food at low prices. You usually have to spend a lot of money to get a healthy and tasty kind of food. But with food trucks, you get to enjoy the tastiest kind of food offered at minimal prices.

          You Can Find Them Anywhere

          Since these are mobile restaurants that have the facility to go from one place to another. You can find them anywhere like in public events, parades or at food places.

          Highly Creativity

          This concept of running a food truck is new and the people are going mad for it. It can be because of creativity as well. The trucks can become highly creative based on what you like and what does not. The chefs usually specialize in preparing cuisine of every type with a creative aspect.

          What About Us (Meat Mechanics)?

          Ours is also a publicly recognized food truck named Meat Mechanics. All the meat items including foodstuff are provided. From Tacos to Burgers, we have everything. The menu is carefully planned so that all the groups of people can enjoy at least one item as per their taste and preferences.

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            Food truck

            5 Reasons That Popularized The Growth Of Food Truck Vendors

            A mobile kitchen that has gained popularity over the countries in a decade has shown us the power of the business mind and their like. The need and the availability of food trucks have had a greater impact among the small businessman who wants to run their own business and find success.

            Food Truck Catering Melbourne is a truck that serves you hot and delicious cuisine in the most convenient way. With time, the business of food trucks has expanded over many fields including ice cream, desserts, and fusion cuisine.

            Popularization of food trucks and why?

            Well, we have already established that Best Food Truck Catering Melbourne is very popular, not only among the locals but tourists have also accepted the great movement which started in America during the recession which inspired many businessmen to take control of their unemployment and find a better solution for it.

            5 Reasons behind the growth of food truck vendors

            Nowadays people want a simple way to live, yet extremely effective. The best from scratch has proven to be more successful than anything else, which is what food trucks promote.

            • The Convenience of the customer has been looked up to by the food truck, no matter the location or the place, a food truck has made it easy for the people who want to quench their hunger with scrumptious food.

            • Affordable price: low cost and saving of the money have gravitated people for ages, thus resulting in the food truck being one of the best businesses to indulge into.

            • Quality food: even with reasonable prices, food trucks have maintained their hygiene and quality over the year, especially during and the covid effects, they have tried for a better environment.

            • Serving the best and delicious food, food trucks have never disappointed us, with different cuisines and fusion tastes, it always works to satisfy their customer with a meal that would satisfy their soul.

            • Tourist favorites: indulging in the local food with a twist have made the tourist go crazy about the food served. The delicacies have won their heart and made them go to them again and again.

            How to grow your business?

            There are thousands of ways to grow your small business, but the main burden lies in the quality that is delivered. This is why never compromise with it, serve the best to your customer to get the love and appreciation that you deserve.

            But some of these points can help you build your food truck business to the next level.

            • Market strategies: your brand image can bring the people to your food truck. The logo and the advertisement should be equivalent to your product as well as be eye-catching.

            • Menu: it is obvious that the menu is an important point when deciding to open a food truck, the food that you will be serving should be unique yet comforting to the people, a fusion to a taste can never go wrong.

            Final comments

            Meat Mechanics, a Food Truck Catering Melbourne with a menu so delicious, has been growing while serving the food to their customers, and maintaining a hygiene environment is a good example of the success of a food truck.

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              Food truck

              Food Truck helping you chase perfection in food for your party

              Let’s PARTY!

              On weekend you just stumble upon these words without thinking about anything. Now! Your friends are all ready to come to your place before Christmas. But, the problem is you don’t have prepared anything and the most important part is ‘FOOD’.  What should I do?

              Well! What worries you when you can magically call upon the Food Truck Catering Melbourne to experience the best foodservice of all time. It’s a delight in all ways when they give the service.

              Fresh meal prepared right in front of you

              What’s the best thing about food trucks? Fresh Food…How?

              If you are looking for the Best Burger Melbourne then straight away get the service of the food truck. As the food is prepared right in front of you and you will enjoy every bite of it. It is the major reason that everything is simply tasty and fresh. It’s also the food aroma that matters a lot. The food truck is your best option to get ‘Really Fast Food’.

              Well! There is not just one burger but you can choose from several options to what you want to keep on your party menu. Some of the YUM-YUM food options are:

              • Cheese Burger

              • Chicken Burger

              • Pulled Pork Burger

              • Cheesesteak Burger

              • Smoked Portobello Mushroom Burger

              The best options are available with the food truck to keep your guest busy and you will surely get the title of the ‘BEST HOST’.

              Dessert- Dreamy World!

              If your guest list includes the kids of your friends or neighbors, then obviously you need to keep them entertained and make sure they have something tasty to eat. As we all know the kids are choosy, so choosing the food truck will save you from a great nightmare. What’s the 2 most liked option by the kids…THINK! Don’t know. Here are the 2 most liked options by the little ones and the best food truck is all ready to serve that at your party:

              • Churros

              Cinnamon sugar and milk chocolate sauce

              • Chocolate taco

              Crispy tortilla, chocolate mousse, orange and berry compote, whipped cream, marshmallows, and nuts.

              Well! These are just the sweets as there is a special Kid’s menu too so that your guests do not have to worry about what their kids will eat. Here is the list of food options which you can add on:

              • Taco

              Soft taco with beans, guacamole, sour cream, and cheese

              • Chicken and chips

              Southern fried chicken strips served with chips

              • Mac and cheese croquette

              Served with coleslaw

              Walk up to the good food!

              Now! The tables have turned as the good and tasty food will now walk up to. Just the wait is: You need to reach the leading food truck in Melbourne. Discuss when and where you are hosting the party.

              Are you in search of the food truck near you? Meat Mechanics is one of the trusted names in Melbourne. ‘Food On Wheels’ will come to your place to make the entertainment delectable and interesting.

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                Food truck

                Guide for catering food truck in Melbourne

                A food truck is basically a mobile restaurant on wheels. It’s a vehicle that’s been converted into a kitchen , where they prepare and serve food. Food trucks are popular because they can travel to different locations and offer a wide variety of delicious food. You can find food trucks serving all sorts  of cuisines, from tacos and burgers to gourmet desserts and international dishes. They are a fun and convenient way to grab a quick bite to eat, especially if you’re on the go or at an event.

                 When we talk about catering a food truck, it means that food truck is specifically designed to provide catering services. Instead of just serving food to individual customers on the street, a catering food truck is equipped to handle larger events like weddings, parties, or corporate functions. They can offer a variety of menu options and cater to the specific needs and preferences of the event. So, if you’re planning a big gathering and want to provide delicious food, a catering food truck can be a convenient and tasty option.      

                Pros and Cons of Catering Food Truck

                Here are some pros and cons of catering food trucks:


                • Versatility: Food trucks offer a wide range of menu options, making it easy to cater to different tastes and dietary preferences.
                • Mobility: Food trucks can travel to various locations, making them suitable for outdoor events or venues without kitchen facilities.
                • Interactive Experience: Guests can watch their food being prepared, adding an interactive and engaging element to the catering experience.
                • Unique Atmosphere: Food trucks create a fun and casual atmosphere, adding a unique touch to any event.
                • Cost effective: Catering with a food truck can be more affordable than traditional catering services, especially for smaller events.


                • Limited space: Food trucks have limited kitchen and storage space, which can impact the variety and quantity of food that can be prepared.
                • Weather Dependency: Outdoor events can be affected by weather conditions, which may impact the operation of a food truck.
                • Waiting Times: Depending on the size of the event and the popularity of the food truck, there may be longer waiting times for guests to receive their food.
                • Limited seating: Food trucks often lack seating options, which may require guests to find alternative seating arrangements.
                • Accessibility: Some venues may have restrictions on food truck access, limiting their availability for certain events.

                Decide what type of food truck to be used: 

                Food trucks are usually smaller than commercial kitchens and restaurants , so they usually specialize in a type of food.Some of the types of food carts to be chosen as per your perfect it are:

                • Regional cuisine
                • Appetizers
                • Main course
                • Drinks
                • Desserts
                • Food for specialized diet

                These are just a few points to consider. The suitability of a catering food truck depends on the specific needs and preferences of your event. And going through the above points you can decide on the Catering food truck service in Melbourne.

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                  Food truck Food Truck Catering

                  Why We Need Catering Service for a Cocktail Party

                  Cocktail parties are personally organized to create a strong bond through parties with friends, family, and companies. At this party, they served drinks and snacks. When you book a restaurant bar for a cocktail party, they offer you to decide what kind of food and drink you want etc.

                  They offer drinks and provide a variety of foods at an affordable price so you and your guests can enjoy various foods with drinks. Cocktail party catering provides a service for events, wedding parties, birthday celebrations, festivals etc. There are some tips for catering. 

                  Tips for catering a cocktail party 

                  Pick the right venue. 

                  When you celebrate any event, then you decide on a perfect venue. You can only organize the party in some places. So you select the best venue for your party so you can enjoy the party with your guests. 

                  You can celebrate your party in the restaurant bar. The best option for your cocktail party because here, all kinds of services are available at affordable prices, such as glass, mixer, ingredients, lighting table, and chairs for sitting, preparing, and serving food. If you celebrate, you go to any place, then you purchase and rent all things, then you do not enjoy your party without worry.   

                  Decide on a signature cocktail drink. 

                  Cocktail party catering serves many kinds of drinks so that you can choose one signature drink for your party. You can give a special name and why you celebrate the party because some people do not drink alcohol-based drinks. Then, you decide to mix drinks so your guests feel at ease. They offer many beverages so you can decide what kinds of drink you want according to your guests and at an affordable price. 

                  Open bar time-limited 

                  Open bars offer various types of drinks to your guests at the party. Another word means they offer your guests to consume lots of drinks. If you want limited drink consumption, then you decide on an open bar time limit. Also, limit the consumption of alcohol according to your budget. 

                  Buy alcohol in bulk. 

                  When you organize the party, you buy enough alcohol so that the drink does not run when guests come. When your guest enjoys the party, your booze is suddenly empty in the middle. Then you feel stress and embarrassment. Therefore, you buy booze in bulk and enough for your guests. Then, you do not feel embarrassed when you have plenty of liquor. Before buying alcohol in bulk, you ensure the taste of the drink your guest likes. 

                  Get enough food 

                  A cocktail party in which an alcoholic drinks, but the guest does not like to drink on an empty stomach. You order enough food for the guests so they enjoy the party. It is optional to have different types of food at the party. You can order snacks such as chips, meatballs, fried snacks, etc. 

                  Hire a catering staff. 

                  When you celebrate your party, you do not serve guests the food alone. Hiring Staff served the food and drink to your guests. When you hire a staff catering service, you have lots of time to chat and dance with your friends. You can enjoy your party without worry. If you want a catering team, you can contact Catering Food Truck in Melbourne.

                  Food trucks are also beneficial for events, graduation parties, wedding parties, and any other special event. If you organize an event, then you hire a Food Truck in Melbourne. They prepare the food and serve it to your guests.

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                    Food truck

                    What Sets Meat Mechanics Apart from Other Taco Trucks

                    Tacos bring incredible joy of taste to the world. Like pizza, tacos are also liked by people globally, and there is nothing like bad tacos. But Meat Mechanics, the best Food Truck in Melbourne, has taken the taste and flavours of tacos to the next level.

                     But what makes us different? First of all, we are focused on selecting the ingredients for our tacos. We see every taco as the best taco of our food truck and our ingredients choice ensures it.

                    But that’s not all for us! Only ingredients do not fulfil our commitment to quality and taste. We also focus on constant ways to improve the quality and taste of our tacos. 

                    Good Taste Takes Time

                    We believe that good taste is only possible by cooking the ingredients till the time they are needed. We can easily fast cook the meat and place it in tacos, but this is not exciting. Our chefs marinate the chicken for quite a long time to infuse flavours and spices into it.

                    Our variety of chicken tacos is an example of why our tacos are popular. Marinating for a quiet time makes the chicken softer. And it saves you from hard and chewy tacos. 

                    Tacos for Everyone

                    At Meat Mechanics, we believe that everyone should enjoy tacos no matter what their taste preferences are. People shouldn’t be afraid to try new dishes like tacos. But not everybody eats meat, so we have prepared veg tacos for people who don’t like meat. 

                    Our tacos are filled with nutritious veg ingredients such as corn, caramel, and spicy red chilli for a spicy add-on. Our veg tacos and other taco variants are so tasty that people will never feel different while eating our tacos. Authentic taste is our commitment.  

                    Taco Excellence at our Food Truck

                    Taco tantalises the taste buds of every person around the world. Meat Mechanics not only focuses on flavours but also focuses on environmental safety measures. Whenever possible, we choose the most sustainable packaging choices to lower the packaging. 

                    We are constantly working to upgrade the level of flavour in Tacos. Meat Mechanics, the best Catering Food Truck in Melbourne, promises the excellent taste of tacos, acknowledging the environment. 

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