Food truck

What are the topmost tips to open the venture of the food truck business?

Food on wheels is the new trend. As a food truck owner, I have noticed customers putting their trust in the service of Food Truck Catering Melbourne. Our Food Truck Point Cook has seen success because we have managed to effectively do the work. Here are some of the topmost tips which have helped us to start our food truck business. As a food truck operator, these points can have effectively managed us to serve the customers in the right manner. Let’s get started!

  • How to find the food truck?

Indeed! It is one of the common concerns to set up the food truck. First of all, you don’t have to neglect any step at any cost. Following that, you can look for a second-hand truck or get in touch with the local food truck community. This is a great way to familiarize with everyone and also a great approach to save money on small things.

  • Secure a commissary

As per the state and local health guidelines the food truck owners need to have a commercial kitchen which is called commissaries and then prepare food. This is suggested so that any element is not exposed to the environment. To get a proper understanding of the same you should get in touch with the local food truck community.

  • Creativity at its best

The Meat Mechanics team makes sure that when the customers come to our food truck they are delighted to have every bite. It is important to have a menu that attracts the customers towards them. The Meat Mechanics menu is the perfect example for the same. A tasty and healthy meal with every bite.

  • Be a part of the private events

As a food truck owner what can be the best choice to gain the attention of the customers. Attending food events and festivals means you can gain the attention of the audience on a large scale and with the expertise of the staff you can make it a success. The Meat Mechanics team can offer you a special catering menu to make your time delightful.

  • Grab attention through social media

Social media is the best choice when it comes to interacting with customers on a large scale. Through this, you can get the attention of the clients anytime and anywhere you want.

  • Working as per the laws

Even as a food truck owner it is important to serve the customers by following all the rules. This is why you must set up your food truck in the right manner and check if there is anything which you have to bear in mind.

Considering all these points, I can recall one name in mind who is shining as the food truck and grabbing the attention of the foodies – Meat Mechanics. We are sure that once you come to our food truck your taste buds will be able to taste the food that is best and healthy on every bite!

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    Food truck

    Top 8 Reasons For – Why Are Food Trucks Appreciated All Over Australia?

    If you are a US native, then you must know how celebrated and relished the service of food truck catering in Melbourne is. The whole credit for this goes to the superb foodstuff which is prepared in the distinctly hygienic atmosphere and is offered at inexpensive prices.

    In today’s blog post, we are going to make you aware of why you will find food trucks in Point Cook worth approaching.

    Let’s get started.

    Superb Food –

    Nicest Aroma And Impressive Presentation

    The food trucks are like the tiny restaurants which of course presents you with the best food which you can enjoy:

    • In the comfortable premises of the home
    • In the cosy atmosphere of your luxury car
    • At your favourite spot ( It could be either some beach spot or sunset point)

    You Can Expect The Hygienic Preparations

    The food trucks usually offer the customers a revealing view of how the cooking process is going on. We (Meat Mechanics) are renowned for serving our admirers and service-seekers with premium quality food.

    By hygienic preparations, we do not only mean that the food is to be prepared on the clean platform, it is a comprehensive term for us, which includes:

    • Use of the fresh ingredients
    • The meat is washed at least 7 to 8 times
    • The spices, herbs and other condiments are freshly ground and used
    • The oil which is once used for frying will not be used all over again

    A New Thing To Post For The Mobile Munchies

    Are you among those who post the pic of the food on Social media before having the first bite? If yes, then firstly my reactions for you are:

    Ohhh…My…..My!!! Are you serious?………………………………LOL!

    But yes, there is nothing bad in being socially active and letting the people know which new appetizing and healthy food post you have found to share with them. Once you post the pic of the food items along with the food truck, you are sure to get so many hearts (on Instagram).

    Next time, you post the picture of the food (served by Meat Mechanics), do not forget to tag or mention us.

    It Fills Your Tummy To The Neck

    Usually, it is observed that the hungry customers are not satisfied with the tiny amount of the servings offered at the 5-star restaurants. To those customers, we want to say;

    What if you get to enjoy the 5-star food with enough on the platter to satisfy your hunger?

    I know, by hearing this there will be no stoppage for your happiness.

    At Meat Mechanics, we serve the customers intending to make them so content that they crave our food, the next time they get hungry.

    So, When Are You Going To Enjoy The Delicious Meal?

    We are in intense wait for the customers who are going to visit us for the first time. Please contribute a bit in making our wait fade. Meat Mechanics promises you to make your food tasting experiences the ones which you want to have again & again, no matter how full your tummy is.

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      Food truck

      What are the topmost inspiration and ideas for different food truck styles?

      Food trucks have changed the way the food industry works. Its emergence has benefited the business owners to have the right platform to attract and serve the customers. It is right to say, there is a lot more in store for the Food Truck Point Cook. These are also known as mobile restaurants where a customer can get a wide variety of options to take themselves on another level of culinary adventure. Moreover, people have started putting their trust in the service for Food Truck Catering Melbourne. Even with low start-up costs and high mobility, a business can do wonders by setting up a food truck. Here are known inspirations which a business owner can choose to set up their food truck style.

      Different food truck style

      • Burger

      The burger is one of the most popular and most loved by everyone. It is one of those food options which attracts a large number of food lovers. Meat Mechanics offers a wide variety of burger options and we make sure to provide the customers with truly unforgettable burgers. You can try out the cheeseburger, chicken burger, pulled pork burger, smoked portobello mushroom burger, and cheesesteak burger. Are you looking for the best burger in town? Visit your nearest food truck and for sure you will get several varieties to satisfy your burger cravings.

      • Tacos

      Are you craving tacos? When it comes to tacos Tuesday, who wants to miss a chance to have their favorite bite of taco? Traditionally, it is a Mexican dish but gradually we all have seen its different variations. At Meat Mechanics, we serve tacos with guacamole, cheese, sour cream, and salsa jalapenos. You can choose whether you want vegetarian or nonvegetarian (it includes slow-cooked pulled beef, and pulled pork).

      • Beef croquettes

      Have you tried a food option that is worth every bite? Beef Croquettes is one of those options which will completely satisfy your taste buds. At Meat Mechanics, we have the perfect beef croquettes made by smoked techniques. To take the taste one step further, we use the slow-cooked technique for 12 hours. After that, it is pulled and mixed with our in-house mixture of spices and other blends. Don’t you think it’s perfect when you can try our different delicacies under one roof and that too for an affordable price.

      • Dessert

      Are you a dessert lover? Or Do your kids always ask you to get the sweets? Food truck business owners are providing that to you. I love to have churros and chocolate taco. The right amount of chocolate sauce and cinnamon sugar on the tacos will take you to a whole new world. With chocolate taco what would you expect? The crispy tortilla, whipped cream, nuts, chocolate mousse, and berry & orange compote.

      Give yourself a try!

      Enough of saying, why not try out yourself? At Meat Mechanics, we have several food options for you, your family, and your kids. It will be a feast for you when you order food from Meat Mechanics.

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        Food truck

        Take it on the Road: Caterers and Mobile food businesses safety standards

        For food lovers, it is always about having tasty and quality food. In such a case, the mobile food business and caterers are in the position to satiate your taste buds. From loaded fries to chicken burgers, they have everything for their customers. You can even get the service for the Food Truck Catering Melbourne by choosing the specific food item as per your liking. At present, the demand for food trucks is increasing. Meat Mechanics is one of the leading names in the world of Food Truck Point Cook.

        Serving the food with safety and quality

        As mobile or food truck business owners we must provide food that complies with the Food Act 2021. In addition, we also have to meet the relevant standards of the Food Standards Code which includes the food Safety Standards.

        The safety standards are prepared to assist the food truck business owners to understand:

        • Get an insight into the food safety legislation
        • Implement the food safety legislation

        Food Business Notification

        In the Food Act 2021, Under Section 86

        • For the food businesses, it is imperative to complete and submit the food business notification to the local council even before they start the business. They need to tell at which place they are operating the business.
        • Along with that, provide information about where the food processing will occur and where all the food equipment is stored.
        • If the businesses which will operate at festivals, fairs, or markets need to submit the temporary food business notification to the council.

        According to Food Safety Standards, ‘When the food is not suitable?’

        • The food is damaged, perished, or deteriorated which affects its use
        • Presence of damaged or perished substance in the food which does not make it safe for consumption.
        • The food is made from diseased animals or it has been declared not safe for consumption due to some reason.

        Food Business Inspection

        Food Business Inspection is carried out by the local council Environmental Health Officers. The inspection is carried out from the garaging location from where the business is operating from.

        Food labeling

        If any food item is packaged and offered for retail sales, then it needs to have the label. Until and unless there is some exemption as per the Food Standards Code. Some of the possible exemptions are:

        • The food is sold for immediate consumption
        • The food is sold at the fundraising event
        • The food contains fresh fruits or vegetables

        Following the Food Safety Standards makes sure that the food is safe for consumption and is prepared in the right kind of environment.

        The mobile catering business is huge in itself!

        There is no doubt that the mobile catering or food truck business trend is going to slow down. The Meat Mechanics team has put in a lot of time and effort to come up with tasty and quality food for the Australians and travelers who come to Australia from all around the globe. Are you looking for a healthy and fulfilling meal? Try out any meal from the Meat Mechanics menu and we are sure that you will love to come to our place every time.

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          Food truck

          Best Burger: How are gourmet burgers different from classic burgers?

          Are you looking to have a feast for taste buds? Don’t you think it’s even better when everything market-fresh and locally produced food items are included? Make your first step to our Food Truck Point Cook to give yourself a ride to the food heaven. Meat Mechanics food menu speaks for itself and our food quality is what makes people put their trust in our service for the Food Truck Catering Melbourne.

          Now! One thing which we have seen is, people love to have burgers! However, not all of them are created equal. There is no denying the fact that a burger of $2 will not taste as good as a $5 or $12 burger. Well! Here it is not just about the price point but the way of preparing a burger. Indeed, the way a burger is prepared will completely change the way it taste.

          From which place you are getting your burger from

          One of the most notable differences is where you are getting the burger from. There is no doubt that customers will prefer that place which offers speedy food service and is economical.

          Choosing that place is important because it specializes in burgers. For example, You see on the menu Cheese Burger and when you have the first bite, it should actually taste ‘Cheesy’. At Meat Mechanics, our experienced chef makes the most cheesy burger which has grass-fed beef, tomato ketchup, Mc clure’s pickles, and mustard saute onion. We know it’s all about the attention and detail which make the burger stand apart from the rest.

          Type of patty used

          What’s that one key ingredient of the burger? Answer: Burger patty. For example, you ordered a chicken burger but the patty inside is not fresh, then it is actually like you are wasting your money. At our food truck, we serve chicken burgers with fresh patties & this is what a gourmet burger is all about. No matter what it is, the quality and freshness of food are important.

          The flavour of the patty

          Do you know what can make the burger taste the worst? Whether it is under-season or over-season. No matter what type & quality of protein is being used it is important that the best flavors are added to it.

          Our pulled pork burger is made with hickory-smoked pork, Asian coleslaw, jalapenos, and everyone’s favorite cheese.

          Method of cooking the burger

          Burgers can be broiled, smoked, baked, grilled, and fried. Moreover, they can be cooked anywhere but the burger taste mustn’t be affected. In addition, in this quality beef is added.

          Our in-house smoked portobello mushroom burger contains fire-roasted peppers, cheese, saute onions, and chimichurri. It is a must-try burger option at Meat Mechanics.

          Toppings on the burger

          It is easy to find a burger with tomato, cheese, and lettuce. When you get the gourmet burger it is more than that and the taste shows that. In gourmet burgers, you will have toppings like sauteed mushrooms, grilled onions, and freshly sliced avocado.

          Our cheesesteak burger is the perfect example of that which contains pulled brisket smoked for 14 hours and then sauteed onion & capsicum are added.

          Taste the difference

          Be it special toppings or innovative cooking methods, we have everything in store for you. At Meat Mechanics, it is all about the taste and combinations which will make you drool over the burgers. Try it on your own to get the taste of, ‘How experienced chefs make tasty burgers?’.

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            Food truck

            Best Items At Meat Mechanics – Buffalo Wings, Beef Croquettes, Tacos & More

            Are you looking for an exciting time and even something exciting to eat? ‘Meat Mechanics: Small Food Category’ on our Menu has some of the most demanding food options. Even when we are approached for the service of Food Truck Catering Melbourne people prefer to have these one-of-a-kind dishes. Here are some of the visually appealing dishes offered by our Food Truck Point Cook which you cannot miss out on. 

            Buffalo Wings

            Does your heart desire spicy & smoked buffalo wings? Well! Meat Mechanics have that in-store for you. Our Spicy smoked chicken wings are served with our special Blue cheese sauce made by our experienced chef. 

            Whenever people book us for some kind of family event, they are sure to select these items where the catering menu is to be decided. At Meat Mechanics, because of the love of the people for these items, we serve 6 pieces for only 9$.

            Beef Croquettes

            Our deliciously spicy and tender beef croquettes will for sure take you on the journey of food paradise. Our smoked beef croquettes are alone enough to satisfy your taste buds. Because of its popularity and the fondness of the people for its taste, we have reduced its prices. And now we serve 5 pieces of the croquet for just 11$. Moreover, the technique of making this delicacy: Slow cooked for 12hrs will satiate your taste buds like never before! 

            Mac And Cheese

            This particular item is made up of cheese sauce which is made by the traditional method. The conventional method uses macaroni and cheddar cheese to make this item. This is baked in the casserole and is sometimes cooked on the stovetop. This particular item is a specialty of ours. The kids like it a lot. And so we sell it for 9$ only.


            You might have known the tacos as the ones which are like the Mexican sandwich like dishes. It is quintessentially made incorporating the corn tortilla that is wrapped around some sort of filling. As far as we are talking about the traditional tortilla, then it is soft, but the inventions by the chefs of some countries have led to the emergence of the hard shells.

            The tacos sold at meat mechanics at the price of the 12$ include the following ingredients:

            • Sot flour tortilla
            • Guacamole
            • Cheese
            • Sour cream
            • Salsa
            • Jalapenos

            But to make sure that all the taco lovers are satisfied, we do not only serve the non-vegetarian variation. But the vegetarian versions are also sold and this is the predominant benefit because of which the people like us a lot.

            Glazed Pork Ribs

            The juicy and flavourful ribs glazed by our signature BBQ sauce are something which makes the individual go awe with its taste. It takes a lot of effort from our side to get these hickory smoked pork ribs made. So we serve the half rack for it at the price of 23$ but the full rack at the price of 40$.

            Bottom Line

            So please let us know, which of our items do you like the most. We try to bring a great modification in the taste and the preparation of that. Also, we would like to know from you, how do you like this blog?. We invite your honest reviews as we always keep a great scope of modifications.

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              Food Food truck

              Why should you be hiring the food truck? Which advantages will you experience?

              Food Trucks – The Ongoing Trend

              Nowadays, the brides and grooms are considering hiring a food truck at their wedding. The wedding attendants also find it pleasurable in taking the services from the food trucks. Food truck catering in Melbourne is emerging out to be excessively profitable. The food trucks in Point Cook are also being booked every day for one or the other wedding or the other functions. Because of their cost-effective nature and profit yielding characteristics, these are becoming the first choice for those who are hosting some kind of event or occasion.

              In today’s blog, we shall be learning some of the advantageous points which you get to encounter when you are taking the services of the food trucks.

              Best For Outdoor Events

              Food truck catering is deemed ideal if you are planning to host the event in the external premises of the property. When the buffet sounds good, if you are hosting a party in the banquet hall of the hotel, then the food truck will be considered best if you do not want to compromise inhaling the summery vibes.

              Happifies The Customers

              The food truck business and industry is blooming considerably. It is because of the taste that you get in the food items being provided by the food trucks. The customer gets to taste the hygienic food. From street food to restaurant-style meals, you will find everything with these food trucks.

              The Pocket-friendly Option

              Installing the food trucks at the venue is the best pocket-friendly alternative that never falls heavy on your pocket. If you think that being the cost-friendly option for catering services, the food truck usually ends up compromising the quality, then you are wrong. The food trucks are determined to provide quality so that the customer can get giantly satisfied with the food.

              The Flexibility In Choosing The Cuisines

              The food trucks are known to be versatile caterers. These can be installed at the venue as per your choice of cuisine. These trucks are well equipped with the facilities and the technologies that they need to bring about perfection in the making of the food.

              The Best 5-star Experience

              When you will count on the food truck, then we guarantee you that you will get to experience the best 5-star facilities. Usually, it has been observed that the customers are bothered with the clean up of the mess, which is not supported by the other catering services. But hiring a food truck helps you to attain the best 5-star experience as these help you with all the facilities which you are required from the food truck.

              Make Some Memories

              Apart from some other benefits, the giant benefit of the truck is that these help your attendants and you to make memories.

              Bottom Line

              When you are counting on the service of the food trucks, then it means that you are choosing the right catering service which will give you the desired results by not falling heavy on your pocket.

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                Food truck

                What are the 3 smart tips to manage your food truck during the summer time?

                Due to the ongoing situation of coronavirus, it is making it difficult for the customers to dine in with ease and they are worried that the food they will be getting is hygienic or not. Many of the business owners are getting inclined towards the food truck Point Cook. Moreover, the Food Truck Catering Melbourne is preferred by many people. But, to stay in the competition and make sure that you serve the customer correctly you need to make a difference. For that, here are some of the smart tips through which you can manage the food truck are:

                Tip 1: Make your food in the shade

                During the summertime, it is difficult to work in a small place as it gets really hot. To deal with the situation and make sure you are cooking on time, you should take a spot with shade. In case, if you can find the shade spot then you should get the gravel and concrete spot as it is not that hot. This way you will be working in a place that is a few degrees less to manage food Truck

                Tip 2: Make small changes, like utilize energy properly

                Even with food trucks, there is a need for energy and therefore you must make a small change in the way you do your work. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

                • Heat appliances should be minimum

                It is better that you keep the heat-producing appliances to a minimum. You should not go with the grill, oven, and fryer.

                • Keep your calm

                Sometimes a situation can get intense but you should not lose your calm. You need to keep the refrigerator close to you as this way you will be able to take the food in batches. Just do things in a way that saves your energy.

                • Dress wisely

                During the summer season, keep your dressing code right. Like you should wear cotton, denim, linen, and natural fabrics. It would be better to keep extra cotton t-shirts with you so that in case you want to change you can do that.

                • Keep the fan on

                It is not always about saving energy, so make sure that you get 1 or 2 fans as it will make you comfortable in the truck. It is better to keep the door, skylights, and window open.

                Tip 3: Market your business correctly

                Marketing your business is extremely important,and that is the key factor for business success. Be it a restaurant or food truck you need to consider this in every situation. Your customers must know where you are at the moment so that when they have to visit your place they can do that easily. You can say that it is important to plan, and only then you will be able to make a difference & even grab the attention of the customers.

                So, try out these tips and effectively manage every step while doing the business.

                Good Luck!

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                  Food Food truck

                  What is the Cost, Pros & Cons of hiring the Food trucks at the wedding?

                  Whenever the couple plans for their wedding, then they want to make the event as memorable as it can be. This is the main reason that they focus on the minute details of the weddings. According to a survey, 90% of the people consider only those weddings to be memorable which have served them with the good quality of the food. Nowadays you might be hearing of the trendy wedding which took the services of the food truck catering Melbourne. The food truck in Point Cook became charming when it was used to serve the food to the guests.

                  We hear the children saying that when they will get married, they will surely be including the catering services in the food truck.

                  How are food trucks, the unique solution to wedding catering needs?

                  The food trucks offer people creative dishes. Earlier it was observed that the people at the wedding were only offered with the boring and fried chicken. But the food trucks are known to be the creative solution to the uniqueness in the chicken.

                  How much cost is to be incurred for taking the services of the food truck?

                  The total cost of taking the services from the food truck can be different from one company to another. Sp for getting hired with the best food truck caterer, it is essential that you are comparing the food truck on the relevant grounds. This means you should be comparing applause to apples and not apples to oranges.

                  So let us get to know some of the Pros and the Cons of the food truck:


                  • Great Experience

                  This is the obvious benefit of hiring a food truck. This gives the wedding attendants a unique experience and the wedding does not only become memorable for you but them as well.

                  • Alternative to the traditional chicken

                  If you want to host your wedding at such a place that is beautiful and matches all your dream credentials but is lacking with the traditional chicken. Then the food truck is the best solution in that regard.


                  It is relevant to mention here that you will only encounter the cons if you are not taking the services from the right service provider:

                  • Prolonged hours of waiting

                  As the food trucks are restricted in space and are supposed to cater to the needs of a huge group of people, they may keep some of the guests waiting. They will be required to prepare the food in batches. So sometimes, one food truck is not enough and you may need to take the services of more than one food truck.

                  • Are you hiring them for some time?

                  If you are hiking the food truck for some time, the ones who arrive late at the venue will miss out on the benefits of the food truck. So they might get hurt as they did not get a chance to get served with the food truck services.

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                    Food truck

                    What are the 6 topmost reasons the food trucks are gaining popularity?

                    Being a foodie myself, I love to explore different food places and give a must-try to the latest trends. Lately, I have done that by visiting the best Food Truck Point Cook. Meat mechanics offer the best street food to the folks with top-quality and with the best presentation.

                    Do you know?

                    There has been a huge spike in the popularity of food trucks. There is data evidence that points out that the food truck business has grown by 8% since 2009. It is estimated that it is going to hit the billion-dollar mark in 2021.

                     What are the reasons for food truck popularity?

                    • Street food is getting huge attention

                    If we talk about street food, it has been modernized in such a way that it is also healthy. The street chefs are making every possible effort to make the meal appetizing and delicious. The quality, variety, and deliciousness of the cuisine are what get the attention of people worldwide. From dessert to savory you can get anything.

                    • Made with fresh and local ingredients

                    The truck chef always uses fresh and local ingredients which is the game-changer of the food they serve. It is basically like getting food from farm to table. Just try it once and you will automatically notice the difference in the food they serve.

                    • Novel business approach

                    Food trucks are working with a novel approach to gain the attention of the customers. Even their menu is evolving and getting better with time, as their prime focus is to serve the customers and nothing else. This is the reason, you will see a long line of consumers in front of the food truck.

                    • Cozy and relaxing environment

                    If you are someone who doesn’t like to visit lavish restaurants, then food trucks are the ultimate choice. With fresh air and open sky & good food and good company, you can have the best time. No doubt, once in a while to treat yourself and have fun with our near & dear ones we will visit somewhere. So, next time when you are planning to eat something, visit your nearest food truck.

                    • Supporting the local business

                    At the time of COVID when many of the businesses have been forced to shut or face huge losses, it is the perfect time that you provide support to the local business. No doubt, even people’s perspective has changed as they want to help the local business because of the hard work they are putting in.

                    • Pocket-friendly and Nutritious

                    From farm to table, perfectly depicts that all the meals are freshly prepared from scratch. When you order you will see the food getting prepared in right front of you. So, the food is healthy and also friendly in your pocket. Moreover, many chefs are serving fusion food to the customers so that they can get everything in one place.

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